Instructor Profile: Sam Barber
/Sam Barber serves as a lecturer for the Biblical Counseling Program
Sam’s parents were converted when he was ten years old, so he spent only half his time at home being raised by Christians. Before that, he hardly went to church. He would attend church services with a friend as often as possible. Though he could not explain it, he believed that being a part of a church was important. At some point prior to his parents' conversion, Sam came to understand that he was a sinner and that Jesus saves sinners. And so, he cast himself upon him through faith and has been striving to walk with Jesus since a very early age.
After his parents came to faith in Christ, Sam joined the church that he now pastors. He became especially involved in the life of the church in his teenage years. Sam struggled with sin the same as anybody, but the Lord continued to show him mercy, and when he was a senior in high school, one of the church's pastors became a mentor and eventual friend to him. It was through that relationship that God particularly prepared Sam for and called him into ministry.
Sam has been married to Jessie since 2011. They have three sons: Silas, Theo, and Griffin.
BA in Theological Studies (Bethlehem College); M.T.S. and M.A. Biblical Counseling (Reformed Baptist Seminary). Sam is currently a doctoral candidate at Reformed Presbyterian Theological Seminary (D.Min. in Biblical Counseling).
Sam is the lead pastor at Redeemer Baptist Church (Rincon, GA).
Research Interests and Hobbies
Sam’s research interests are focused on understanding life (counseling, in particular) in an increasingly digitalized world. Additionally, he hopes to do some work in economics and the Christian life.
Sam is an avid runner and reader. He enjoys playing tennis and disc golf. He loves being out on the water, either in a kayak or on a stand-up paddleboard.