Graduate Profile: Gerardo Cisneros (MTS)
My name is Gerardo Cisneros. I live in Glendora, California, with my beautiful wife, Lindsey, and our two children (Natalia and Ezekiel). I have been living in Southern California for just over thirty years. I was born in Durango, Mexico, and my family moved to the U.S. in 1990, when I was ten years old.
The Lord saved me in 2005, roughly one year after graduating with an engineering degree. Shortly after becoming a Christian, God gave me a strong conviction to be discipled and to study His Word. As I began to get involved and volunteer for various ministries at the church I was attending at the time, I had a burden to evangelize and to dialog with non-Christians in order to persuade them of the gospel (1 Pet. 3:15; 2 Cor. 5:11). Though there was a strong zeal in these pursuits, which included reading many books in apologetics and attending conferences dealing with defending the faith, I soon realized that it is not by reason alone that men will be convicted of sin and turn to Christ. It was then the Lord revealed to me that my own conversion was due to God’s grace being poured upon me. This was the beginning of God revealing to me the doctrines of grace.
In 2019, after prayer and seeking counsel from godly men, I embarked on the learning adventure to pursue a formal theological education. As I was already serving in a Reformed Baptist church, Reformed Baptist Seminary (RBS) quickly came to the top as the institution of choice. Though it took a few years to complete the curriculum for the Master of Theological Studies degree, it has been an invaluable learning journey. Obviously, by no means has my learning concluded, as the Word of God is inexhaustible. Nevertheless, the curriculum for the MTS degree with an emphasis in practical theology has greatly enhanced my understanding and applicability of ministering at a local church.
I am currently the teaching elder at Acts Reformed Fellowship, in West Covina, CA. This calling to be a pastor is one that I did not expect (nor volunteer for), but the Lord has been faithful to my family in preparing us to serve in His church. Thank you to all the RBS staff and administration for their support throughout my studies. May RBS be continued to be used to edify and prepare men for the ministry, and above all, to glorify Christ.