The 24-credit Certificate of Reformed Baptist Studies (CRBS) is designed to ground individuals in Reformed Baptist doctrine, history, and practice. The heart of the program will feature a concentrated focus on the systematic theology of the Second London Confession of Faith of 1689. Basic courses in exegesis, church history, and pastoral theology are offered as well. This is an ideal program for ordinary church members (men and women) or church officers who want to expand their knowledge and increase their usefulness in the church. It is also a suitable program for pastors or ministerial aspirants outside the United States who are unable to pursue extended formal theological training.
Program Outcome
Graduates of the Certificate in Reformed Baptist Studies program will gain a basic understanding of Reformed and Baptist theology, with a particular focus on the authority of Scripture, covenant theology, the doctrines of grace, the nature of the church, and the history of English Particular Baptists. Through the study of the Second London Baptist Confession, students will develop a clear grasp of the distinctives of Reformed Baptist doctrine and its implications for faith and ministry. This program prepares students to apply their knowledge in the service of the local church.
Program Requirements
Individuals do not need a college degree to enroll in the Certificate program. Moreover, the Certificate Program does not require the student to have an active mentor/advisor. However, a pastoral recommendation is necessary. The student must complete the Certificate program within 4 years from the time of their enrollment.
Special note: The certificate-level courses are less rigorous than the seminary-level courses in the other programs and, therefore, the credits are not transferable to the other programs.
Certificate of Reformed Baptist Studies (CRBS)
Historical Theology (4 credits)
HT100 - Confessing the Faith (2)
HT121 - English Particular Baptists (2)
Systematic Theology (10 credits)
ST101 - 1689 Theology 1: Scripture & God (2)
ST102 - 1689 Theology 2: Man, Sin, Christ (2)
ST103 - 1689 Theology 3: Salvation Applied (2)
ST104 - 1689 Theology 4: Ethics (2)
ST105 - 1689 Theology 5: Church & Last Things (2)
Electives (10 credits)
Choose 5
ET100 - Interpretation (2)
ET663 Message of Isaiah (2)
ET675 Message of Acts (2)
HT101 - Church History, Part 1 (2)
HT102 - Church History, Part 2 (2)
ST100 - Apologetics Applied (2)
PT101 - Call & Cultivation (2) ◊
PT110 - Pastoral Theology (2) ◊
BC101 - Biblical Counseling (2)
PT150 - Missions (2)
Total Credits: 24
◊ Applicable only to men aspiring to pastoral ministry.